Dear Child,
When you
invite Me into your life,
you become
a member of a great family--
the family
of faith.
These sisters
and brothers are not perfect;
they often
fail, and I see the many ways they
hurt one
But nonetheless,
they are Mine, and I am at
work in
their hearts. And part of My work can
be accomplished
only through you.
I need you
to join with them and to participate
in the
process of being changed. For I made you
and special, and no one else can bring what
you bring
to the group.
And as My
family of faith comes together, exchanging
praying for one another, and forgiving each
they all become better people. That pleases Me.
So, get
to knows those who are following Me and see
what a fulfilling and pleasant experience it can be!
In Unity The Father of All
Author Unknown

Performed by
This beautiful midi entitled "Dancing Raindrops", is
an original composition and
performance by Mary Hession. It retains her sole
©copyright and is used
with her full permission. Visit her wonderful site
Living Sounds