Little one our love we send

To the source your way you wend

There's no death just change of form

In love divine all is reborn

We think of you and send you love

Wrapped in the wings of Holy Dove

We set you free to be with He

This song for you in memory

You will return in different guise

Nothing ever really dies

It's sometimes hard to understand

The ways of God's pure divine hand

He gives life a gift divine

That flows from Him like sacred wine

Then we return to divine heart

Of which we're all a sacred part

Oh feel our love we miss you so

In angel's arms you now will grow

They'll help you journey back to earth

To life anew you will rebirth

Lyrics and midi music by Mary Hession
Used with permission

Visit her site Here



This poem was written for a Mary's friend on the death of one of her kittens